The summer of 2023, I boarded a flight bound for my hometown of Juneau, Alaska, to attend my 40th High School Class Reunion. As the plane lifted off the tarmac, my mind drifted toward memories of my early childhood.
My parents moved to Southeast Alaska from the Pacific Northwest in the 1950s after my father was recruited for a teaching position at the local high school, the same school that I would eventually graduate from three decades later. It was not an easy transition for my mother. She was a college-educated woman who suddenly found herself as a stay-at-home parent with sole responsibility for raising a steadily increasing family in a remote community, with no support from an extended family or a network of friends. As I have grown older, and hopefully wiser, I believe with all my being that my mother was doing the very best she could. As much as I have loved being a mother, I had plenty of challenges with raising two daughters. I can’t even begin to understand the impact that birthing and raising nine children would have had on my psyche!
As the plane leveled off at cruising altitude, I closed my eyes, thinking of my ninety-three-year-old mother. Drifting off into a mild dream state, I had a vision of my mother coming to the end of her life and being placed into hospice care. My three sisters and I had made a pact years earlier that when Mom was in her final stages of life, we would all gather together to support her and each other as she transitioned. In my dream, since I was the closest geographically, I was the first to arrive at her home. I let myself in through the front door of her split-level condo and paused to listen for her whereabouts.
The house was silent. I quietly took the stairs two at a time to the second floor. On the upper landing, I placed my hand on the urn of my father’s ashes, where they sat on a wooden shelf in the center of a makeshift altar my mother had created. It was a ritual that I had seen her perform every time she climbed those same stairs. In this instance, I said hello to my father and asked him for guidance as I navigated the unknown to come.
I turned to the right and placed my hand on the doorknob to my mother’s room. I took a slow breath in—and exhaled—to calm my nervous system in preparation for what I might find upon entering the room. I turned the handle, opened the door, and slowly closed it behind me.
The room was completely dark. I waited while my eyes adjusted and began to make out the furniture in my mother’s bedroom. I could hear my mother starting to stir from under the covers of her bed. I felt my way toward the sound. As I approached, my mother sat up, but it wasn’t my mother. It was the most beautiful goddess that I have ever seen. She was completely transparent and radiated a feeling of love and joy. She held out her hands to me, and I collapsed into her embrace. I lay there as waves of grief rose and fell like the sea on a sandy shore. She stroked my hair and let me have all my feelings.
After some time, I was completely spent. I looked up at what I was sure was a divine being and said, “Mother, it must have been so very hard for you to send me to this family. The lesson has been so very hard, but I can see why I needed to have them. Thank you for always being there for me, even though I couldn’t see you.”
A tap on my arm brought me out of my dream state. I awoke to find the passenger sitting next to me drawing my attention to the flight attendant, as she was handing out bags of pretzels.
Moments later, as I sat sipping tea while gazing out the aircraft window at mountain peaks poking through the clouds, I began to try and understand the imagery I had just experienced. I had been studying the work of Carl Jung, an early pioneer in the study of dreams, and the teachings of Joseph Campbell regarding the power of myth.
With what I have learned from them, I began deciphering what I had just experienced. I took out my journal and began to write. With each line of recollection, I asked what was significant? What does that symbolize to me? What aspect of my own self was I seeing in each of the characters within the dream? As I wrote, it became clear that it could take me months to come to a full understanding of my experience.
As the crew prepared for our descent into Juneau, I felt a great deal of gratitude for my parents and the courage that it must have taken for them to leave behind all that they knew and strive for a better life. I imagined a similar form of courage was necessary for my ancestors to risk crossing the Atlantic on their way to the New World.
This experience has led me to reintroduce several of the Madonna Charms Nunn Design offered in past years. As a creative and intuitive being, I believe we all are being called to remember the Divine Mother and Divine Father within each of us—the parts of us that are whole and complete, not fragmented and wounded. My hope for all of us is that we will be willing and courageous enough to set out on the internal journey of our souls to create a better world for the generations to come.
May this holiday season awaken the divine within—the true meaning of Christmas.
All my love,
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