5 Growth Strategies You Can Steal From the World’s Top Brands

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Are you having a hard time growing your brand? Exhausted all of your resources and you’re out of options? Don’t give up just yet, as there are plenty of other plans you could implement that you just don’t know about yet. If you’re still struggling to make your brand flourish, here are five great growth strategies used by the top brands in the world to help your business thrive.

Finding A New Audience

The best Milwaukee Ad Agencies will tell you that you’re not going to see any growth if you’re not growing your audience. Although you might have a dedicated following with loyal customers, not expanding your horizons will lead to stagnancy. For example, Porsche wanted to reach an audience of younger adults who had already been targeted by TV and radio advertising. So they went to Twitch, the largest live-streaming platform for gamers who fall right into that demographic. It made viewers take part in an IRL puzzle that, when solved, would reveal the new car. It was a huge success and helped to increase engagement with the brand.

Supporting Charity

Supporting a charity conveys to the rest of the world that you actually care about the community. It puts the brand in a favorable light and allows you to give off a more positive air about your brand and its values. For example, Papa John’s chose to create an in-house DIY ad rather than paying an advertising company to do the work. As a result, the money that they saved was donated to the Crisis and Trussell Trust. The ad was pretty simple too: it was stop-motion with internal staff writing messages on pizza boxes explaining what their chosen charity was all about.

Supporting Consumers

When the pandemic hit, one of the biggest markets to be affected were the gyms. There were no customers coming in and that made it difficult for them to stay open. However, instead of sitting on their hands, Gymshark Dailies decided to be proactive in keeping their customers healthy. They started sending out daily e-mails about home workouts, nutrition ideas, and activities to promote mental health. It demonstrated that they cared about their customers outside of selling them merchandise and charging them for gym memberships.

Targeting Young Customers

Within reason, it’s not a bad idea to consider targeting younger customers who are starting to grow their own savings. For example, the founder of S’well, gifted 320,000 water bottles to students all across New York. The goal was to change the behavior of young people by encouraging them to drink more water and be more conscientious about the environment. In turn, these students started encouraging their parents to stop buying plastic disposables. Young customers are starting to have more influence than they had before.

Optimizing Customer Experience

By giving customers a good experience, they’re more likely to come back time and time again, as well as tell their friends and family about their experiences. MoneySuperMarket conducted a research to see what was most important to their customers, and the results demonstrated that customers like to use price comparison sites because they like to be in control of their money. They believed that most online price comparison sites didn’t tailor their results enough, and MoneySuperMarket saw the opportunity to provide their customers with exactly what they wanted.

When it comes to growing your brand, it’s not an easy 1-2-3 and then profit. It requires careful research to see what works for your brand and will garner the most ROI. If you are still having problems growing your brand, be sure to contact a professional immediately to help you with this problem.

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

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