Why Older Men Should Use Trap-Bar Deadlifts to Build Muscle

Why Older Men Should Use Trap-Bar Deadlifts to Build Muscle | Legion

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Many people stop deadlifting as they get older.

For some, it aggravates old injuries. Others find it too taxing.

Still others give up because they fear their body can only handle so much before injury strikes. In other words, they stop before years of wear and tear catch up with them.

These concerns are valid. Staying injury-free becomes trickier with age, so steering clear of exercises that might cause problems makes sense.

But here’s my take: Conventional and sumo deadlifts are fantastic exercises. And when done right, they’re perfectly safe, regardless of your age.

However, if conventional and sumo pulling is off the table, older men should use trap-bar deadlifts instead.

Here’s why:

  1. Build Muscle: The trap-bar deadlift is a highly effective exercise for building muscle throughout your body, which is crucial for staying strong, healthy, and vital as you age. While you could combine several other exercises to achieve similar results, it’s not nearly as efficient as trap-bar deadlifting.
  2. Easier on Your Back: Unlike other deadlifts variations, the trap bar positions the weight over your center of gravity rather than slightly in front of you. This reduces stress on your spine, which makes it far more forgiving for anyone with back issues. The bar’s design also minimizes the risk of hyperextending your back at the top of each rep, which can happen with barbell deadlifts.
  3. Highly Functional: The trap-bar deadlift mirrors a basic, everyday task: Picking something up off the floor. Whether it’s a bag of groceries, a piece of furniture, or a kid (or grandkid), developing the kind of functional strength necessary for this movement makes day-to-day life easier.
  4. Highly Versatile: You can change how you do the trap-bar deadlift depending on what feels most comfortable. For instance, you can keep your hips higher and bend over more, or bend your knees more and keep your back upright. 
  5. Safer Grip: Barbell deadlifts often require a “mixed grip,” which can strain your biceps and cause muscle imbalances over time. With trap-bar deadlifts, you use neutral handles, which are safer and help you build balanced muscle. The high handles also reduce the range of motion, making the exercise easier if you have limited flexibility or mobility.
  6. Safer When Tired: As your hips get tired during a set of barbell deadlifts, your body shifts the load to your back, which increases the risk of injury. Trap-bar deadlifts reduce this problem because your knees can move more freely, letting your quads take over as your hips fatigue. This takes pressure off your lower back and helps you maintain good form, even during heavy or long sets.

In short, the trap-bar deadlift is a safe, effective, and versatile exercise that helps you build strength and protect your body as you age.

If you want to make the trap-bar deadlift part of your routine, here’s how to do it correctly:

Trap-Bar Deadlift gifTrap-Bar Deadlift gif

  1. Position your feet shoulder-width apart in the center of the trap bar.
  2. Hinge at your hips, slightly arch your lower back, and grip the handles.
  3. Push through your heels to drive your body upward and slightly back. 
  4. Reverse the movement and return and the starting position.

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