Spring/Summer 25 on the Permanent Style shop

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Spring/Summer 25 on the Permanent Style shop

Friday, February 14th 2025

||- Begin Content -||

Hello lovely readers,

Here’s our regular update on what’s coming into the PS Shop over the next few months. There are one or two new things, but mostly restocks and new colours in the existing, popular pieces. 

Feel free to ask any and all questions in the comments below – chances are if you’re thinking something, another reader is thinking it too. And it saves Lucas answering the same question multiple times in the support emails. 

As usual, keep in mind that we can’t detail everything in advance and some timings might fluctuate. We try to be a little more pessimistic these days on delivery, but no season ever goes by without the odd unpleasant surprise. There are two other products we’re working on that might drop in, we just don’t have confirmation yet. 

To be kept up to date on all product launches and restocks please sign up to the shop emails – here. We try not to send too many updates so you aren’t bombarded. 

For anyone that missed it by the way, our next London pop-up has been announced as March 26-29, in our very exciting new showroom. Details on that post. 

February (end of)

  • Oxford shirts: Restocking in all colours except the striped pink and striped green, and same for the cloth
  • Pre-order: Donegal coat and Indulgent Shawl Cardigan – We’re expanding the pre-order system, as it was so well-received last year. It allows us to do different colours, offer more sizes, and avoids that nervousness of missing out on a big purchase you’ve been planning for. The first pre-order will be for the below. We should have all sizes in one colour (maybe just not an XS shawl) in the pop-up
    • Donegal coat: Available to pre-order in most historic colours, the original dark grey, original dark brown, classic black-and-white, and new dark navy. Also one new colour in a very luxurious make
    • Indulgent Cardigan: These are so expensive that it’s been hard to keep many in stock. We’re therefore doing the pre-order again for it in navy, grey, cream, brown, black and natural


  • Cotton Crewnecks – A restock of the navy and cream, and the launch of two new colours. These were really popular last year so we expect them to go quickly. 
  • Tapered T-shirts – Hopefully a restock in all colours and sizes, though this is the most unpredictable product we have!
  • Pre-order: Cashmere Crewneck and Cashmere Rugby – The second pre-order will run at the end of March, because we’re waiting on samples in a couple of new colours before we can know whether to include them (and will have to photograph them too). Again, all sizes should be available at the pop-up to try on
    • Cashmere Crewneck: Available to pre-order in the existing navy and grey, charcoal and one or two others depending on how the samples turn out
    • Cashmere Rugby: These will be on offer in all previous colours (navy, grey, brown and natural) and hopefully one or two other
    • The pre-order window for this one will run through the pop-up, so you will be able to see the new colours in person. Unfortunately that’s not possible for the first pre-order. Delivery will be in October. 


  • Linen Overshirts – Now the summer products arrive in force. First the linen overshirt, in particular the popular dark brown that was never restocked last year, and navy, black, olive and one new colour
  • The Finest Polo – Restocking in navy, cream and black
  • PS Shorts – Coming back in navy, khaki and a new green shade
  • Japanese denim shirts – Restocking in black and blue
  • Chambray shirts – Restocking, including cloth


  • The Friday Polo – Our new design from last year, in the same navy and white 
  • Original Madras Trading Company collaboration – This is being finalised at the moment, but should hopefully be ready for May
  • A new summer shirt – A different new product, details also closer to the time

The rest

  • Undershirts – We are working on a restock but don’t currently have a confirmed date.
  • The Linen Harrington – Loro Piana have been an absolute pain on this one, and cloth is taking months to arrive. They probably won’t be restocked this summer, but there are already some in stock. 
  • Finest Crewneck and Dartmoor – We’ve been working hard to keep things like this in stock, so there is still decent availability of both. Nothing new on either until Autumn/Winter.


There’s much less that can be said here, but certainly:

  • The Bridge Coat, Wax Walker, and Donegal coats in grey and in navy will be restocked
  • There will be a new colour in the English Tweed
  • There will be one other new coat collaboration
  • Other perennials like the Watch Caps, Arran scarves and cashmere knitwear will be restocked

That’s the tobacco-linen overshirt above, worn over an Adret knitted T-shirt. The alligator case is a vintage one that a dealer friend found with my initials on it. Makes a surprisingly good sunglasses case. (It’s thin enough that the frames don’t slip out.)



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