diploma in fine jewellery 2025/26

Here are answers to some of your questions.

When does the course start?

Monday 8th September 2025. The course runs until July 2026

That’s quite a long way from now. Why should I enrol now?

Right now we have an 18 month payment plan available to help spread the cost of the course. You can also spread the cost of the materials pack over 18 months too. The course needs to be paid off in full before it ends so this is the best way we know to help people with budgeting.

What experience do I need to take the Diploma in Fine Jewellery?

This Diploma course is designed as the perfect follow-on from the Diploma in Silver Jewellery from Jewellers Academy. If you already have experience of jewellery making you may go straight onto this course. Here is a list of techniques that you need to either be proficient at or have tried to be able to succeed on this course.

Have a very good understanding of the silver jewellery workshop, tools, materials, use of pickle etc.

Be proficient at stone setting including tube, claw, bezel and flush/gypsy settings

Proficient at soldering multiple joins onto one piece

Have made at least one collet setting (If you haven’t done this you could take a look at our online collet setting course) https://learn.jewellersacademy.com/p/stone-setting-collet-setting-channel-setting-course-bundle

Have done some basic wax carving. We have some free courses that you can try before the course starts in September. Here are the links https://learn.jewellersacademy.com/p/make-a-wax-carved-ring https://jewelleryschoolonline.teachable.com/p/wax-signet-ring/

Have worked with gold

If you are a beginner or have some experience of making silver jewellery we recommend that you enrol on the Diploma in Silver Jewellery which is the original Diploma course that covers a lot of techniques with silver and gold. You can find out more about it here >

May we see a full material list before we place the order to see if we may have most of it already?
Yes! You can find a list of the tools and materials for this course here https://www.jewellersacademy.com/fine-jewellery-materials

How does the pay monthly work? Does the payment start before the course or when you start the course?
We have opened up enrolment for the Diploma now in order to give you the opportunity to spread the cost. You can choose to pay in full or spread the cost with monthly payments. If you choose a monthly payment plan the first payment goes out on the day you sign up and then on the same date every month.

Is there much written work for assessment?
No! The Diploma course is a practical one where you make the projects and submit them for assessment. You are asked to write a paragraph about the inspiration for your final project but no essays are required

How many of our own designs do we submit?
Each week you will have marking criteria which sets out what you need to do for assessment. Within that you have design freedom as long as you hit the marking criteria. At the end of the course, you submit a final project which is your own design

When is the last date to order the materials?
If you would like to spread the cost over 18 months the deadline to sign up is 7th March 2025. Materials kits are available on a first come first served basis and we generally sell out of them before we close for enrolment so don’t miss out. I strongly recommend that you order the materials kit. We don’t make money on them and provide them to make life easier for you. You just need to open the materials bag for the week you’re working on and get started.

How do I find out the price of the course?
There are lots of different payment options depending on what you want and the country you live in as there is a small additional charge for delivery and customs outside of the UK. Tuition and materials kits are all currently available. You can choose to pay in full or in instalments.
You can find a full breakdown of all the payment plans here >

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