Before and After Pictures, Dosage, and Side Effects

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: Individuals should only use SARMs for research purposes, as they are not FDA-approved and may have adverse effects. Dr. Touliatos is available for consultation should readers have any questions or concerns.

LGD 4033, or Ligandrol, is a potent selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) typically used by weightlifters for bulking purposes due to its positive effects on muscle strength and hypertrophy (1).

Ligandrol and other SARMs show promise for the potential treatment of cachexia due to their anabolic effects and tissue selectivity. LGD 4033 strongly binds to the androgen receptor, similar to steroids. However, it is a weak agonist in the prostate.

Therefore, the androgenic effects of testosterone and other anabolic steroids will not occur with LGD 4033, preventing prostate hyperplasia.

LGD 4033 was created in 2007 and synthesized by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, hence its name, Ligandrol, an American biotechnology company.

Due to its recent formulation, the long-term effects of LGD 4033 are currently unknown, with it being classified as a research compound and yet to receive FDA approval.

Thus, LGD 4033 is not legal for cosmetic purposes. However, it is legal for research purposes; therefore, researchers may administer LGD-4033 to rodents.

Although LGD 4033’s side effects are not yet fully known, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has concluded that its positive effects on athletic performance are currently obvious, hence its ban on Ligandrol and other SARMs in professional sports since 2020 (2).

Ligandrol Benefits

Muscle Mass

Dr. Michael Moeller says, “LGD 4033 stimulates testosterone and androgen receptors without converting into DHT or estrogen.” However, Dr. Moeller notes that clinical trials have not yet proven LGD 4033 to be a worthy replacement for testosterone replacement therapy in medicine. Dr. Moeller states that women and men seeking anabolic effects, especially of the younger generation, are successfully utilizing LGD 4033 today in terms of muscle building.

In phase 1 clinical trials, LGD 4033 has produced notable increases in lean muscle mass. One group of healthy young men received 1 mg/day for 3 weeks and gained 1.21 kg (3). Considering the brief cycle, modest dosage, and lack of training stimulus to maximize muscle hypertrophy, these are very promising results.

Muscular Strength

In the above-cited study, the men also recorded increased leg press strength and power on the stairclimber before and after the 3-week cycle. This is despite not regularly performing these specific exercises throughout the trial.

Our patients often report exceptional strength results on LGD 4033, even with reduced calories.

We find that adding 30 pounds or more to squat and bench press exercises is relatively common after a cycle of LGD 4033, with its effects on strength being superior to its ability to add lean muscle.

LGD 4033 does not produce any notable fat loss, unlike Ostarine or Cardarine, making it more optimal for bulking than cutting.

Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen supplement recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.

Best SARMs Company in 2024

Sports Technology Labs

sports technology labs

Sports Technology Labs is our recommended US source for SARMs in liquid and powder form.

They consistently formulate products with a purity level greater than 98%, authenticated via independent certificates of analysis.

Sports Technology Labs also has a no credit card fee policy, with other sources charging up to 10%.

Maximum discount code (15% off): inside15

Swiss Chems

swiss chems

Swiss Chems is our recommended source for SARMs in pill form. They guarantee a purity of at least 99% on all products.

Swiss Chems is a US company that provides excellent stealth shipping worldwide, successfully bypassing customs.

Time of arrival: 2-4 days (US), 7-10 days (worldwide).

Maximum discount code (10% off): inside10

Ligandrol Side Effects

According to Associate Professor Nial Wheate, “2013 and 2018 human trials demonstrated the safety of LGD 4033.” He also adds that LGD 4033 has “fewer side effects” in comparison to anabolic steroids. Despite initial success in clinical research, Wheate warns that LGD 4033 is “still experimental.”

Two mild side effects we see with LGD 4033 are headaches and a dry mouth. However, more troublesome side effects can also occur, such as:

  • Cholesterol alterations
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Liver toxicity
  • Water retention and gynecomastia
  • Male pattern baldness


LGD 4033 has a significantly negative effect on high-density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol), with scientists observing an approximate reduction of 40% in 3 weeks on a dosage of 1 mg/day (4).

Generous levels of HDL cholesterol reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, improving heart health. Thus, such sizeable reductions increase the risk of myocardial infarction, similar to the extent of oral anabolic steroids.

Such elevations in blood pressure may be attributed to LGD 4033 being administered orally and thus being metabolized by the liver. This can stimulate the enzyme hepatic lipase, causing deleterious alterations in HDL cholesterol. The same research recorded low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels remaining stable. However, serum triglycerides decreased by almost 15%, potentially decreasing some cardiovascular strain.

Testosterone Suppression

SARMs, despite being non-steroidal, can still suppress natural testosterone levels due to their aggressive binding to the androgen receptor. This consequently decreases luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

We have found LGD 4033 to be the most potent SARM on the market and the most suppressive. In the previously cited trial that administered 1 mg/day of Ligandrol, participants’ total testosterone declined by 50%. Free testosterone also experienced a similar 40% reduction.

After 56 days of drug cessation, users’ endogenous testosterone returned to standard levels. Thus, considering users commonly take 5 mg/day of LGD 4033 and upwards, testosterone suppression in this case is likely to be more severe, indicating significant temporary damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA).

Dr. Thomas O’Connor says, “LGD 4033 users are going to be temporarily shut down,” based on his experience of treating hundreds of men who have utilized the SARM. Dr. O’Connor adds that testosterone suppression is “the main risk of LGD 4033” and that his patients have experienced depression until their hormones normalize.

Liver Toxicity

In a randomized clinical trial, LGD 4033 was given to 76 healthy men, producing no notable changes in serum aminotransferases in dosages of 0.1, 0.3, and 1 mg/day over 21 days (5).

However, one research paper reported a man developing jaundice following 10 mg/day of LGD 4033 for 2 weeks. Thus, the hepatotoxicity level of LGD 4033 is likely to be dose-dependent, which supports what we have found anecdotally.

Further research reported a 24-year-old man with hepatocellular liver injury following 9 weeks of LGD 4033 use (6). The dosage being utilized was not stated, so caution should be exercised when utilizing this SARM, with further research required to establish dosages inducing hepatotoxic effects.

Water Retention and Gynecomastia

In theory, LGD 4033 should not produce estrogenic side effects, as it does not aromatize or directly stimulate estrogen receptors.

However, we see Ligandrol compete with natural testosterone when binding to the androgen receptor. LGD 4033’s higher affinity means that the body’s natural testosterone concedes this dual and instead is increasingly available for binding to other receptors, such as estrogen.

Thus, LGD 4033 can indirectly cause higher estrogen levels, increasing the risk of potential bloating or gynecomastia.

Male Pattern Baldness

Some LGD 4033 users report shedding or recession of hair on the scalp, similar to anabolic steroids. There are two reasons why such hair loss is possible, despite LGD 4033’s weak androgenicity. Similar to how estrogen levels can indirectly rise from more natural testosterone binding to other receptors, this is also how LGD 4033 can increase DHT levels, raising the body’s natural level of 5-alpha reductase.

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the hormone responsible for follicle miniaturization on the scalp, with excess levels causing androgenetic alopecia.

Another possible cause of LGD-4033-induced hair loss is telogen effluvium. Up to 90% of hair follicles are actively growing on the scalp, and 10% are resting. When hair follicles are in the growing or anagen phase, average natural hair loss is 100 hairs a day. However, in the event of telogen effluvium and sudden hormonal changes to the body, 30% of hair follicles may enter the resting or telogen phase. This condition results in the daily loss of 300 hairs.

We find that introducing SARMs to the body can stimulate telogen effluvium, essentially tripling the level of hair loss. However, such shedding is typically reversible post-cycle. Our patients often report hair thickening after 1–2 weeks following cycle cessation, with hormones regulating and hair follicles returning to the anagen or growing phase.

LGD 4033 Dosage

A dosage has not been established by medical experts at this time, with LGD 4033 yet to be FDA-approved. However, in trials, 0.1, 0.3, and 1 mg dosages have been commonly used, with higher dosages yielding more pronounced results.

Male weightlifters taking LGD 4033 for physique-enhancing purposes will typically take 2–10 mg/day.

Females will opt for the lower dosages in this range, such as 2 mg/day, to prevent virilization side effects occurring.

LGD 4033 is administered once per day. Dosages may be tapered, ensuring continued results for the duration of the cycle. Thus, 1-2 mg/day may be a starting dosage, with increases of 1-2 mg each week until a desired maximum dosage is achieved. Equally, some users may not opt to taper cycles out of convenience.

Although men can take up to 10 mg/day of LGD 4033, dosages in excess of 6 mg/day produce minimal additional results in our experience.

LGD 4033 Cycle

For Men: Non-Tapered Cycle

  • LGD 4033: 6 mg/day for 8 weeks.

For Men: Tapered Cycle

  • Week 1: 4 mg/day
  • Week 2: 4 mg/day
  • Week 3: 5 mg/day
  • Week 4: 5 mg/day
  • Week 5: 6 mg/day
  • Week 6: 6 mg/day
  • Week 7: 6 mg/day
  • Week 8: 6 mg/day

For Women

  • Week 1: 1 mg/day
  • Week 2: 1 mg/day
  • Week 3: 2 mg/day
  • Week 4: 2 mg/day

Higher dosages and extended cycle durations will exacerbate side effects in users.

LGD 4033 Results: Before and After Pictures

LGD 4033 before and after

This Reddit user performed an 8-week LGD 4033 cycle, administering 5 mg/day. He initially gained 13 pounds, which decreased to 10 pounds when water weight subsided post-cycle. His diet consisted of a generous calorie surplus; thus, some of this weight can be attributed to increased subcutaneous body fat.

lgd 4033 results

He mentioned that friends and family commented on his larger arm size 3 weeks into the cycle, some of whom were unaware of his SARM use. Considering his high calorie intake, his results in terms of muscle hypertrophy from LGD 4033 could be considered mild. However, there was a dramatic difference in muscular strength, with before-and-after logs detailed as follows:

Bench Press

  • Before: 185 lb x 5 repetitions
  • After: 205 lb x 8 repetitions

Overhead Press

  • Before: 110 lb x 5 repetitions
  • After: 125 lb x 6 repetitions


  • Before: 230 lb x 5 repetitions
  • After: 255 lb x 8 repetitions


  • Before: 285 lb x 5 repetitions
  • After: 315 lb x 8 repetitions

This Reddit user also reported maintaining his results regarding strength post-cycle. In terms of how LGD 4033 affected him, he reported feeling the happiest he has felt in a long time. This report, combined with our anecdotal reports, suggests Ligandrol may be a highly efficacious SARM for mental well-being.

The main side effect he experienced was lethargy, occurring from week 5 and thereafter. Tiredness and fatigue are relatively common on LGD 4033 and can be a self-defense mechanism by the body, attempting to force rest due to increases in water retention and blood pressure.

LGD 4033 Before and After 8 Weeks

lgd 4033 before and after

This Reddit user underwent an 8-week cycle of LGD 4033 with an unknown dosage. His results are a combination of muscle memory and Ligandrol use, as he had not lifted weights for 6 months prior to his LGD 4033 cycle.

Weight gain of 20 pounds can be expected when transitioning from sedentary to weight training. He appears to have gained 25–30 pounds; thus, the majority of his results are the byproduct of natural training, with 5–10 pounds potentially being attributed to LGD 4033.

LGD 4033 Stacks

LGD 4033 and RAD 140 stack

A common stack is to combine LGD 4033 with RAD 140, being two of the most potent SARMs for promoting muscular strength and hypertrophy. Although stacking LGD 4033 with RAD 140 may enhance results, it will also exacerbate side effects, particularly:

  1. Liver values
  2. Cholesterol
  3. Testosterone suppression

Sample Cycle:

  • RAD 140 (Testolone): 10 mg/day for 8 weeks.
  • LGD 4033 (Ligandrol): 6 mg/day for 8 weeks.

Tapering the dosage as outlined previously in our LGD 4033 cycle section can also be performed with this stack for LGD 4033. Although some users may opt against doing so out of convenience.

If tapering, LGD 4033 can begin at 4 mg/day for the first 2 weeks and increase to 6 mg/day from the 3rd week onward. Higher dosages may be utilized; however, this is not recommended to avoid excessive side effects.

LGD 4033 and MK-677 stack

LGD 4033 may also be stacked with MK-677, otherwise known as Ibutamoren, a growth hormone secretagogue. MK-677 increases muscle hypertrophy and enhances subcutaneous fat loss without exacerbating liver enzymes or cholesterol levels.

This may be a desirable stack for users seeking notable fat loss when bulking, thereby enhancing muscle definition as well as size.

However, we find MK-677 increases water retention and visceral fat, creating a more bloated and protruding look to the midsection. Higher levels of visceral fat storage are the result of MK-677’s negative effect on insulin resistance.

Sample Cycle:

  • MK-677: 15 mg/day for 16 weeks.
  • LGD 4033: 6 mg/day for 8 weeks.

MK-677 is slow-acting and thus requires ample time to peak growth hormone (GH) levels and affect body composition. An additional benefit of this cycle is that MK-677 supplementation exceeds LGD 4033’s by 8 weeks, thus acting as a form of post-cycle therapy in regard to maintaining an anabolic state upon Ligandrol cessation, helping to cement results.

LGD 4033, RAD 140, and MK-677 Stack: Before and After Pictures

rad 140 before and after

This user published his transformation on Facebook after stacking LGD 4033, RAD 140, and MK-677 together. He noticed a significant increase in muscle hypertrophy, gaining approximately 10 pounds. However, the addition of MK-677 led to an increase in visceral body fat percentage, as evidenced by a wider waist.

Water retention and subcutaneous body fat levels also appear to have increased slightly, potentially caused by higher amounts of natural testosterone converting to estrogen. This is the byproduct of natural testosterone ceasing its binding to the androgen receptor.

Legal LGD 4033 Alternative

LGD 4033

LIGAN 4033 is our recommended Ligandrol alternative. It replicates the muscle-building and strength-enhancing properties of LGD 4033, but without any unwanted side effects.

It is FDA-approved and can be purchased online without a prescription.

LIGAN 4033 is best suited for weightlifters wanting to bulk up, increasing muscle hypertrophy (size) and strength. LIGAN 4033 will also keep body fat at bay when eating in a calorie surplus.

PCT for LGD 4033

In our testing, LGD 403 damages the HPTA. Thus, users can utilize PCT, similar to steroid users, to accelerate the recovery of endogenous testosterone.

Research has shown that it can take almost 2 months for testosterone levels to return to normal from a small LGD 4033 dosage of 1 mg/day (7). We have found that administering Nolvadex or Clomid post-cycle can reduce this duration by 50% (8).

Depending on the level of suppression, if users require aggressive PCT, Nolvadex is the more potent medication compared to Clomid.

  • 20 mg/day of Nolvadex, taken for 30 days is a common protocol.
  • If opting for Clomid, 25 mg/day is an effective dosage, also taken for 30 days.

If users are not experiencing adverse fluctuations in libido, sexual performance, energy, and mood, then PCT may be unnecessary.

LGD 4033 Half-Life

LGD 4033’s half-life is 24-36 hours (9). Thus, a PCT protocol should commence approximately 8 days following the last dosage. This is because the elimination time is equal to 5.5 multiplied by the half-life.

How to Take Liquid LGD 4033

There are two ways to administer LGD 4033 orally. Simply place it in your mouth, using a syringe to measure the dosage, and then proceed to swallow.

Alternatively, it can be taken sublingually, improving absorption and amplifying its effects. This involves placing the liquid underneath the tongue and allowing it to sit for 10–15 seconds prior to swallowing. Such placement enables contact with the mucous membrane, thus providing a more direct route of entry into the bloodstream (10).

One dosage of LGD 4033 is sufficient each day. Our tests show that taking it on a full or empty stomach does not affect its biological availability.

LGD 4033 Reviews

In our Facebook group, researchers have published the following LGD 4033 reviews and anecdotes.

I haven’t been in the gym since November due to health issues. I took a dose of LGD 4033 and my lats are so pumped they feel like they’re going to tear right off my body. No pre-workout or anything, just LGD.

LGD 4033 is ace stuff. I took a 9 week course, and I put on some decent size and weight. I was lifting a lot more than normal. It takes a little time to kick in.

Been on LGD for 2 weeks, not really noticed anything yet to be honest, but had a week off due to being not well, hopefully will kick in this week as gonna smash it.

LGD 4033 is a great compound. That’s what my first cycle was with MK-2866. I started LGD 5 mg for 2 weeks and osta 15 mg, then I bumped it to 10 mg LGD and 25 MK-2866. Great results.

I got an issue with gyno. I did a very suppressive cycle of LGD 4033, RAD 140, and YK-11. In the 4th week I experienced a gyno flare-up so I had blood work done and my estrogen was 80 pg/ml, so I used exemestane and estrogen went down to a normal level.

LGD 4033 vs. LGD 3033

The official and correct medical name is LGD 3303. However, it is more commonly known as LGD 3033.

Some mistakenly believe that LGD 3033 and LGD 4033 are similar compounds structurally, as they have almost identical names. However, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, the same company that founded them, is responsible for their similar names.

In practice, we see LGD 3033 having contrasting effects to LGD 4033, with the former producing dry muscle gains without any additional water retention. In this respect, LGD 3033 is more similar to YK-11, demonstrating enhanced anabolic effects and increased toxicity than LGD 4033.

  • We commonly observe exceptional increases in muscular strength from patients taking LGD 3033, which are more pronounced than LGD 4033.
  • LGD 3033 also possesses a short half-life of 6 hours, compared to LGD 4033’s 24-36 hours; thus, more frequent dosing is required to sustain peak concentrations. In this scenario, administering LGD 3033 twice a day is more feasible than administering LGD 4033 once a day.
  • LGD 3033, however, will produce more notable side effects as a consequence of its increased anabolism. We observed a 60% reduction in total testosterone in one patient following a 6-week LGD 3033 cycle. Consequently, it is the most suppressive SARM we have come across based on our tests.

One of our patients was particularly impressed with LGD 3033, likening it to a moderately dosed testosterone and Anavar cycle that he had previously utilized. He mentioned that, despite “his diet being off,” he displayed exceptional muscle hypertrophy and strength. This patient took 20 mg/day of LGD 3033, consuming 10 mg twice daily, 12 hours apart.

We have also found that patients susceptible to hair loss on SARMs such as RAD 140 may respond more favorably to LGD 3033, which appears to preserve hair follicular health even in higher doses.

LGD 3033 exhibits more potent androgenic effects compared to other SARMs in regard to prominent trapezius and deltoid growth. We find patients also experience more frequent incidences of acne vulgaris from LGD 3033 due to increased sebum production. However, in research, we see LGD 3033 being an agonist of the prostate, indicating a lack of androgenicity in this region and successful tissue selectivity (11).

In our experience, researchers often report on the effects of LGD 4033 congruously, while reports on LGD 3033 are highly conflicting, with some reporting minimal effects and others experiencing exceptional results. This is likely due to the higher prevalence of counterfeit LGD 3033 products compared to LGD 4033. Therefore, it is important to acquire LGD 3033 from a trustworthy SARM company that supplies certificates of analysis to prove authenticity and purity.

LGD 4033 is known to be a milder SARM compared to LGD 3033; however, this is due to researchers administering approximately 3 times higher doses of LGD 3033. We commonly see researchers administer 20 mg/day of LGD 3033 and only 6 mg/day of LGD 4033. Thus, LGD 4033 is actually the more potent SARM on a milligram basis.


lgd 4033
LGD 4033, or Ligandrol, on a milligram basis is the most potent SARM on the market. Its effects on muscle mass are generally underwhelming in comparison to anabolic steroids. However, its effects on muscular strength are exceptional, without producing excessive weight gain.

Despite limited research on LGD 4033, due to its recent formulation in 2007, we already have sufficient evidence to suggest it induces steroid-like side effects, specifically:

  1. Testosterone suppression
  2. Сholesterol alterations
  3. Potential liver toxicity

Co Authors :

  • A 32-year-old man was hospitalized with jaundice following an LGD 4033 dosage of 10 mg/day for 2 weeks (12).
  • LGD 4033 was deemed “safe” by researchers following 76 men receiving LGD 4033 for 21 days (13).
  • A 25-year-old male increased his lean body mass by 6%, following 10 mg/day of LGD 4033 and 15 mg/day of MK-677 for 5 weeks (14).
  • High doses of LGD 4033 at 3 mg/kg may worsen bone health (15).
  • 5-week supplementation with LGD 4033 or Ostarine increases muscle hypertrophy in rodents (16).
  • An individual experiences hepatic injury after 7 weeks of LGD 4033 use (17).
  • ALT levels increased by 41 IU/L following 5 weeks of LGD 4033 and MK-677 use (18).
  • An LGD 4033, RAD 140, and YK-11 stack led to jaundice following a 12-week cycle (19).
  • A 4 mg dose of LGD 4033 for 8 weeks led to jaundice and fatigue in a 37-year-old male (20).

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