The Catholic Culture Podcast: 160 – The Vocation of Thomas Aquinas

Jun 5, 2023

Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P.’s definitive
scholarly biography of St. Thomas Aquinas has recently received its
third edition. Translator Matthew Minerd returns to the Catholic
Culture Podcast to discuss what we can learn from Fr. Torrell about
the life of St. Thomas and the context in which works like the
Summa theologiae were

This episode is a deep dive into Thomas’s
vocation in a number of senses – his Benedictine formation and
eventual decision to become a Dominican instead, his intellectual
formation as a student of St. Albert the Great and eventual
Bachelor of the Sentences, and his duties in teaching, writing,
disputation and preaching as a Master of the Sacred Pages at the
University of Paris and elsewhere. Looking into these things can
teach us much about Thomas’s spirituality, his working methods, and
the intellectual climate of the time.


Jean-Pierre Torrell, O.P., Saint Thomas Aquinas: Vol. 1,
The Person and His

Matthew Minerd’s essay in defense of

Ep. 38 with Minerd on Garrigou-Lagrange

Kirwan and Minerd, The Thomistic Response to the
Nouvelle Theologie

Philipp W. Rosemann, The Story of a Great Medieval Book:
Peter Lombard’s ‘Sentences’

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supporting us!

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