Spring bike gittin’ readyness | BMW MOA

I’m a bit in the same boat as @bigjohnsd . No, no new bike, but I have a 1. 5 car garage with about 3 cars worth of junk in it. My wife’s car, my RT, my snowblower, and 84 tubs of tools, or toolboxes stacked tight everywhere. Every time I do a winter project, I have to spend at least 10 minutes pulling out boxes to find what I need, and maybe an hour moving boxes again, to put it all back. So, it’ll be a while before I get to do my “Spring” work on the RT. Which includes:

  • Annual oil change. (I had intended to do that before winter, but the bike only had maybe 500 miles on it in 2024, so not too worried.)
  • Skene visibility lights
  • A custom LED flashing light attached to my brakes system.
  • Further testing on the LED headlights. (I think the high beams are triggering a CAN-bus error; might have to add a load resister to the brights circuit).
  • Air horn
  • Installing and configuring my CARDO helmet unit.
  • PROBABLY – chuck/sell off my OEM tires with some new Michelin’s Road 6 tires that have been hibernating in my garage since I bought them on sale. Though most seem to like ’em, I never adjusted to the Dunlop’s that came on the bike (probably it’s second set, since the bike was 2.5 years old with 11,500 miles on it when I bought it). I had intended to mount them on my own, but I’m lying to myself. I just won’t have the time. I’ll have to find a place in town that’ll mount and balance them for me (most shops that will do that also sell their own tires, and may not mount tires unless you buy from them).
  • Other stuff in the bottom of my motorcycle project box that I can’t remember, but never got done last year. 😖

Then I need to take all the extra stuff that @omega man is offloading from his bike and add it to mine, so I too, can be overprepared. 🤣 More seriously, I need to add an air pump and tool bag if I’m every gonna take this thing further than a hour away from the local biker bar .. uh … I meant, “my home”. Just add some chrome and my unridden Beemer would fit right into the Harley biker bar crowd, something I intend to do using my right wrist this year.I don’t really have a lot to do, but I don’t work fast.
At all.
Probably take me six weeks to get all this stuff done once I start. (There’s all that “research” and inebriated thinkin’ time that goes into it, ya know? 😏)

But, no big deal. If I don’t get it all down this Spring, I can always post this same list next year.

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