you would think that they go to the effort of doctoring a photo, they dont miss something as obvious as the rear tail pipes? Guessing this is a render only – not a real photo shoot.That carbon kit is nice though…Id do that.
They are placed wrong…real life they aren’t hiding. In their defense, most of the pics on here that are showing new stuff are renders. It’s actually nice to get an idea of what things look like, but it’s misleading to not call them out as renders. At the very least, this “photo shoot” has been tampered with. Another example is the IND post about new carbon parts:…2148604&page=2 The only thing real is the test fitting the new hood. Like I said pretty common with this car tho; it’s too new for real world. Some are more bold in the render made pics though – Rusch does this all the time – their photos are about 75% render; 25% customer, with the customer wheels looking very different.
We certainly appreciate the feedback and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but we would appreciate refraining from passing off opinions as fact.
These photos are, in fact, not renders and have not been “tampered with” outside of typical touch ups; the lighting setup was very specific, but unfortunately did leave the rear of the car covered in shadows, especially with that large diffuser. You seemed to be caught up on that 1 aspect, the tail pipes, but you’re comparing a factory car image to our G90 that has Alpha-N’s much more aggressive rear diffuser installed. The exhaust tip placement has not been tampered with whatsoever.
When Alpha-N first announced their kit, we did share what we thought were very clearly renders and, as you pointed out, we also provided actual photos of the hood install. Again, very clearly different from the renders. At the time, it was the first hood ever produced, but as Alpha-N’s exclusive North American distributor, we are obligated to share their product releases.
We update our website listings with actual product photos and installed photos when possible as soon as we’re physically able. We try our best to update forum threads as well, but keeping track of all those follow-ups tend to be a challenge.