Jay-Z Wore a $1 Million Patek Philippe to the Grammys

Jay-Z isn’t one to let himself be out-Patek’d in public. Whether sitting courtside or accepting a…

We’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat: Reflections on Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Why are we humans so obsessed with social hierarchies? Until that morning, not too long ago,…

Beyond the Frame: Lan Yang and a Life Behind the Camera

On any given day in Los Angeles, you might find Lan Yang fine-tuning a complex lighting…

The Catholic Culture Podcast: 134 – The Political Form of Evil

Jun 13, 2022 D. C. Schindler’s book The Politics of the Real: The Church between Liberalism and…

How Japanese Masters Turn Sand Into Swords: The Art of Traditional Sword Making from Start to Finish

We made sand think: this phrase is used from time to time to evoke the par­tic­u­lar…

Should You Work Out When You’re Sick?

It’s that time of year when it feels like everybody you know has a cold or…

Severance, Season 1 and the Christian’s Basic Responsibility

Two years ago I was listening to Pastor Chip Ingram and something he said hit me…

The Most and Least Surprising Moments From the 2025 Grammys

It’s rare that Music’s Biggest Night™ lives up to that title, but the 67th Grammys came…

The Catholic Culture Podcast: 136 – The Novel Against Self-Destruction

Jun 30, 2022 Joshua Hren returns to discuss his debut novel, Infinite Regress. “In the years since…

Watch the First 2+ Hours of MTV’s Inaugural Broadcast (August 1, 1981)

Not every­one on August 1, 1981 had a VCR at their dis­pos­al, and not every­body stayed…