How the Fairlight CMI Synthesizer Revolutionized Music

In the cred­its of Phil Collins’ No Jack­et Required appears the dis­claimer that “there is no…

These Cushy Roper Boots Turned My City-Slickin’ Shamble Into a Cowboy Strut

If roper boots aren’t rodeo-ready enough for you, head here instead. Ever since I was a…

CAPC’s Favorite Books of 2024

Throughout December and January, the CAPC team has compiled a list of our favorite pop culture…

16 New Songs to Listen to Today: PUP, SPELLLING, and More

There’s so much music coming out all the time that it’s hard to keep track. On…

132 – Technology and the Artist: Glenn Gould in the Studio

“The justification of art is the internal combustion it ignites in the hearts of men and…

Horrifying 1906 Illustrations of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds: Discover the Art of Henrique Alvim Corrêa

H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds has ter­ri­fied and fas­ci­nat­ed read­ers and writ­ers for decades since…

Adrien Brody on Being the New Face of J.Crew and the Most Stylish Character He’s Ever Played

J. Crew Brody has more than a few characters with enviable wardrobes under his belt. He’s…

Riding the Rap with Star Wars Outlaws

Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Star Wars Outlaws. Crime stories always start in the…

The Y2K Bug: What Really Happened and Why It Mattered

While the rest of the world prepared to celebrate the Millennial year 2000, programmers quickly identified…

The Catholic Culture Podcast: 133 – Think Like a Poet

May 25, 2022 In a wide-ranging and erudite interview, poet and translator Ryan Wilson joins the…