The Catholic Culture Podcast: 167 – Early Feminism Was Worse Than You Think

Sep 15, 2023 Catholic critics of feminism often start with the assumption that the “first wave”…

Tofugu’s Learn Kana Quiz: Practice Hiragana and Katakana

Looking for a simple tool to practice reading hiragana and katakana, as many times as you…

How A Charlie Brown Christmas, and Its Beloved Soundtrack Album, Almost Never Happened

A Char­lie Brown Christ­mas uses a cast of ama­teur child voice actors, deals with the theme…

Even Nicholas Hoult Is Wearing Leather Pants Now

If 2023 was the year famous guys started dressing for attention, then 2024 was the year…

Marguerite Humeau: Meys

What’s in a name? For Marguerite Humeau, a shared prehistoric language, a collective future and the…

Public engagement begins for new South Asian Canadian museum — BC Alliance for Arts + Culture

This Press Release is provided as courtesy of BC Gov News. A new website will provide…

I Believe in A Christmas Carol (and the Redemptive Power of Memory)

“At this time of the rolling year, I suffer most.”~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol My daughter…

Essential winter gear: stay warm and look fabulous this season

Winter brings the excitement of outdoor adventures, from skiing to snowshoeing. To enjoy these activities, you…

The Catholic Culture Podcast: 169 – The Good Death of Kate Montclair

Nov 20, 2023 Daniel McInerny joins the podcast to discuss his novel, The Good Death of…

The Best Hiragana & Katakana Learning Resources

Hiragana and katakana are literally the ABCs of Japanese. They’re the most basic types of Japanese…