77 R 100RS- Front ignition cover

Alright, let’s call the parts what they are on MAXBMW website:11 14 1 263 265, Weather Cap, the alloy casting covering the front of engine, top-to-bottom.
65 61 2 300 295, Gasket, which is the square rubber strip surrounding the Points/Advance chamber.
11 14 1 253 415, Hose, from the 11:00 position of the Points/Advance chamber, rising up to near the Condenser for venting.
62 12 1 351 554, Grommet, this seals the Tachometer Cable near #1 cylinder to the Weather Cap.

Common usage calls the Weather Cap, the Front Cover; the Gasket the Points Sealing Strip; the Hose being the Snorkel and lastly, the Grommet known as the Tach Cable Rubber.

I glue the points sealing strip into the square groove around the points/advance chamber. I also glue the bottom of the snorkel into its location at the 11:00 position in the points/advance chamber. Often over-looked, is the tach cable rubber and again, glue it only to the timing chain case side by #1 cylinder. My favorite glue for this is, 3M WEATHER STRIP ADHESIVE, YELLOW.

Using some dielectric grease, I “butter” the slot in the snorkel and tach cable rubber slot; “butter” the contact areas of the front cover where they mate with the snorkel and tach cable rubber.

CAUTION: Always disconnect the battery from the electrical system as, there is a bare spade terminal which is charged positive, located on the diode board in the upper right area, very close to the front cover ! Failing to isolate the battery and attempting removal of the front cover, may short the hot spade terminal directly to ground ! Many things get fried, melted, burned as well as personal injuries.

I first locate the front cover upon the hollow pin pressed into the top, right of the chain case, giving a fixed point to work from. Swing the front cover down and towards the chain case, first catching the tach cable rubber some, which now gives two points of reference. Applying pressure towards the chain case and with good lighting in front of #2 cylinder, push/wiggle the front cover into the snorkel… which is visible and can be felt. Hold the front cover in position as, you’ll need to “caress” the tach cable rubber, using a kitchen butter knife, a bit wider on the exterior to allow the thin web of the front cover into the slot. Press the front cover firmly against the chain case and hold with on hand as you start one or two M6-1.0 socket head bolts into location, with the other.

This front cover install, and the air filter cover half, long bolt, are an acquired skill that becomes easier after a hundred iterations 🤪

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