by Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN
I’m just going to cut to the chase right from the rip — who cares about Wes Watson?
What is it about this guy that makes you want to follow, listen to, or engage with him? Lately, the entire industry has chimed in with their thoughts on him. You have videos bashing him, you have videos defending him, and everything in between.
But I want to ask you: What exactly makes you want to follow him online or watch his content? Up until the industry and social media started blowing up over him, I never even heard of the guy. Know why? Because he means nothing to the health, fitness, bodybuilding, or supplement industry.
So, in this article, I want to lay down some of my thoughts since I’ve been asked a few times about my thoughts regarding the situation of this ex-convict.
Disclaimer: While this article includes facts about Wes Watson, my feelings about him are strictly my opinion. If you disagree with my opinion, you have the right, but I simply don’t care.
Who is Wes Watson?
Wes Watson considers himself to be a fitness coach, entrepreneur, social media influencer (with a YouTube channel and social media presence), and motivational speaker. I say he considers himself that because no one who is crushing it in life would agree that he’s any of those things. Why? Because most people have never heard of him before.
The man is trying to become famous from the story that he spent 10 years in prison and that while he was in prison, he changed his life and, after getting out, became a multi-millionaire (that has yet to be proven).
I have no receipts proving Wes Watson owns anything that you see him with in his videos and content, and many speculate that he rents everything to make himself look wealthy. Either way, I really don’t. But we all know that many influencers have been exposed for renting or borrowing things to take videos or photos with to make them look like they’re crushing it.
Content that Wes Watson puts out is very raw, direct, and unapologetic in nature, and in my opinion, shows how immature the guy is. The very few pieces of content I’ve seen of his are of him verbally abusing people who hate on him and telling people to meet up to fight.
Sounds like someone who turned their life around in prison, right? Or he’s just another jerkoff trying to become instafamous.
Wes Watson Has to Act Out to Stay Relevant
While such a heading would make you think I’m dogging on Wes Watson, the fact is most people on social media have to act out and do stupid things to gain attention.
Heck, there are people who purposely do or say things wrong just to get people sounding off in the comments so that their content gets picked up in the algorithms.
But the latest stunt that Wes Watson has been caught up in is something I feel should put him behind bars (again). Granted, whether he’s in jail or not, it makes no difference to me as I frankly don’t give two shits about this guy. After this article, I’ll go back to my life and continue not to pay any attention to him.
So, what did he do that was so bad?
First off, he has been telling people who talk smack to come meet him in person. He said to meet him at the gym, and they can walk outside and handle business. I don’t know about you, but anyone who is successful in life and doing well, they don’t act out and try to pick fights online. They typically have businesses to run and important decisions to be made that take up their time.
As a business owner myself who runs multiple companies, I don’t have time to go online and pick fights with people and ask them to meet me to fight. I have a family and kids to take care of, and they are my focus. I couldn’t care less if anyone is talking about me online (especially people who I don’t even know).
I can hear it now… “But Matt, you don’t know Wes Watson, so why are you writing about him?” Simple — it’s industry news that I’m asked to write about.
Which leads me to this question: Why care about “haters” if you don’t know them?
Let them talk. If a stranger said I’m an asshole, and I’ve never seen or spoken to this person in my life, I wouldn’t get mad — I’d feel bad for that person. For someone to lash out over you and not even know you is kind of odd to me. No one doing better than you will ever talk shit about you. Instead, they’d try to lift you up and help you get to the next level.
Now, if a family member said I was an asshole, it would cause me to sit back and look at how I’m living my life.
That said, because Wes Watson is actively asking people to come fight him, someone actually showed up to the gym. Unfortunately, the guy got wrecked. I don’t have all the details of the story, but Jon Bravo has done a great job digging such details up. I honestly don’t care to learn more about it. But from what I’m told and a clip I was sent, it’s my opinion that Wes Watson should be arrested.
I’ll always have someone’s back if it’s true self-defense, but when you attack someone first and then pound that individual with punches and kicks (over 50) and have your buddies jump in on the attack, that’s considered assault. The man was seen clearly on the ground, defenseless, and you can see Wes Watson and his goons continuing to attack this individual.
So, where am I going with this?
For starters, Wes Watson should be arrested and charged with assault (along with his circle-jerk friends).
Next, if you dislike Wes Watson, stop engaging with him. By engaging with him, you’re only bringing attention to him. If you want to hurt him without doing it physically, ignore the man and move on. With no eyeballs, it will be very hard for him to make a living, and eventually, he’ll just go away (or be behind bars).
I hope you all can move on from this story, allow the police to do their job and investigate the FULL video that the gym owner refused to release initially, and let whatever happens happen. It’s time to move on and stop caring about these attention-seekers like Wes Watson online. They have no skills and are only famous due to drama.
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