With more and more content to compete with, it can often feel like there is no single approach that can get people to come to your website.
And in truth, there isn’t!
But there is a combined approach you can take, each with its own creative flair that is sure to get you noticed.
Here, I’ll take you through several ways you can attempt to attract new customers to your website. Some you may have heard of, and some are a little more ‘creative’ for startups looking to gain a foothold in the market.
Key Takeaways
- Make it more user-friendly:
- Chat to competitor audiences:
As you are already aware, attracting customers to your website is essential. After all, how else are they going to go through the incredible purchasing funnel you’ve created?
With that in mind, here are four different ways to do just that.
Make it more user-friendly
First off, you need to ensure that your site is as user-friendly as possible. That might sound obvious, but you’d be amazed at how many websites I see that load too slowly, have pages that contain broken links, and aren’t well-optimized for users.
Some marketing experts will tell you that you need to optimize for Google, but really, you need to optimize for your users.
For starters, not all of your traffic will come from Google, so your site needs to be set up to accommodate users who find you from other avenues.
Secondly, optimizing for users IS optimizing for Google! Sure, Google values certain keywords in particular places, but its main indicators are user experience, such as time spent on the site, users clicking on other pages from your home page, and so on.
So the first thing you should do is a complete audit of your website, from the shoes of your customer. Click through from an ad, imagine you’re trying to learn more or make a purchase, and make a note of the experience.
Build your email list
Another way to ensure more people visit your website is to build up your email list. That way, you can contact people when there is new content to consume, new products launched, or offer periods that are underway.
However, people are not going to sign up to your email list because you tell them to. After all, many people are bombarded with emails every day, so adding another email sender to their list does not come easily.
People are reluctant to part with this information unless they absolutely have to, and for good reason.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get them to do so. Take advantage of offering unique discounts and incentives for opted-in customers, such as 15% off your first order or ongoing offers that are specific to email users.
You could also create a waitlist before product launches, offering unique insights, behind-the-scenes, and updates that other non-email customers won’t get. This tactic has been extremely successful for other startup entrepreneurs, such as Alicia Scott, who went on to turn her business into a billion-dollar venture.
Build a lead magnet
Another way to incentivize website traffic is to give something away for free. It could be a digital eBook, a unique guide, or even a detailed study. Whatever it is, it needs to be your highest quality content, as you can then plaster it all over your various platforms and advertising channels, pushing people to come and get something for free.
This action will also ensure you get more email addresses on your list, which will help with the point above, so it’s a win-win!
But let’s go back to my point about the quality of the content for a second. When creating free content, it is tempting to rush it or just get something out there. Of course, something is better than nothing, but your lead magnet really should be your very best work.
Put yourself in your potential customer’s shoes. They’re not expecting it to be that good because it’s free, so if you knock their socks off with a fantastically useful resource, just imagine how highly they will value your product or service.
‘If this company gives me this for free, imagine what their paid product/service is like!’
Chat to competitor audiences
Lastly, don’t be afraid to get a little creative with your competitor’s audiences. Of course, you can gain a lot of insight from tracking your competition and seeing how they gain traffic and attention, but there’s also another tactic you can use.
Look at who is engaging with your competition, make a list, and start interacting with them directly, likely via social media. This will help get your brand name out there and also incentivize your target audience to go learn more about what you have to offer.
These are the people you want to come and visit your website, so why not go to them instead? If your product of service is to their liking, they’ll be sure to follow you back to your website from there.
Invest $1 in Your Future
Need more advice on how to attract customers to your website? Or maybe you want a 1-2-1 coach to talk you through the best business strategies to build your brand? Well, look no further than Foundr+! When you sign up for just $1, you will receive instant access to 30+ courses and 1,000+ lessons led by top experts. You’ll also join the growing community of like-minded founders. Sign up here.