5 Best Anavar Stacks: An Overview of Potential Combinations

Dr George TouliatosDisclaimer: The following article is for educational purposes only and does not promote the use of illegal steroids. If you have any questions or concerns, Dr. Touliatos is currently available for consultation.

Anavar (oxandrolone) is an anabolic steroid that simultaneously builds muscle and reduces fat mass. We have found Anavar to induce less toxic effects compared to other anabolic steroids. Both men and women have been known to cycle it.

The FDA authorized Anavar for medicinal purposes due to its anabolism and decreased toxicity (1). Nevertheless, it is prohibited in most countries when utilized for cosmetic purposes, such as bodybuilding, due to its status as a controlled substance.
When administered on its own, Anavar produces substantial outcomes. However, stacking Anavar with other anabolic steroids can enhance a user’s results.

The following are five Anavar stacks that bodybuilders from our clinic have employed, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

Anavar and Testosterone Stack

Our tests have shown that testosterone, similar to Anavar, is one of the most well-tolerated anabolic steroids. This renders the duo a complementary stack, as adverse effects may be less deleterious when administered in therapeutic doses.

Testosterone is an FDA-approved medication (2), which suggests that its side effects may be manageable when taken under the guidance of a qualified physician. Anavar was also an FDA-approved medicine for the treatment of cachexia. However, in 2023 it was withdrawn from the US market due to safety concerns, specifically relating to potential risks of peliosis hepatis, atherosclerosis, hypercalcemia, and prostatic hypertrophy in patients.

Testosterone will accelerate subcutaneous fat loss and significantly increase muscle hypertrophy and strength.

We have observed muscle gains of approximately 25–30 pounds when moderate doses of testosterone and Anavar are administered to novices.

Due to its mass-building capabilities, testosterone is generally regarded as a bulking steroid. It may be the most optimal off-season compound due to it demonstrating significant anabolism without high levels of cardiotoxicity.

However, testosterone does aromatize, which is why it is possible to experience transient increases in water weight during cycles. Fluid accumulation will counteract the diuretic effects of Anavar; thus, this stack may not be optimal for a dry and ripped appearance.

Anavar is an oral steroid, whereas testosterone is primarily an injectable steroid. Consequently, an alternative stack may be more appropriate for individuals with trypanophobia who wish to avoid needles.

The inclusion of testosterone in this stack is not appropriate for women, as it is prone to induce virilization (3).

Anavar and Testosterone (Beginners)

anavar testosterone cycle

The cycle described above is commonly utilized by beginners who desire to achieve substantial results with decreased adverse effects. Nevertheless, inexperienced users may endure complications, particularly when administering high dosages of this stack, such as:

  • Raised low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.
  • Increased risk of myocardial infarction.

Disclosure: We do not accept any form of advertising on Inside Bodybuilding. We monetize our practice via doctor consultations and carefully chosen pharmaceutical recommendations, which have given our patients excellent results.

Approved Anavar Source


If you suffer from cachexia or osteoporosis and require Anavar for medicinal purposes, we recommend Prestige Pharmaceuticals due to their product efficacy and fast worldwide shipping (2–6 days).

Anavar is legal to purchase in some countries and not in others; thus, it is the responsibility of users to act within the confines of their native law.

Inside Bodybuilding does not condone the use of AAS via illegal means or for cosmetic use.

10% discount code: Inside10.

Anavar and Testosterone Stack (Intermediates)

anavar test cycle
Intermediate bodybuilders who have previously used steroids and have adequately tolerated testosterone and Anavar in standalone cycles typically administer the aforementioned protocol. The maximal testosterone dosage has been increased from 350 mg to 500 mg, and the cycle duration has been extended from 7 to 10 weeks.

These dosages are not considered aggressive by bodybuilding standards. However, it is necessary to conduct routine sphygmomanometry tests due to the likelihood of increased blood pressure.

If users experience puffiness in their nipples, Nolvadex, a SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator), can be beneficial in our experience. Nolvadex can treat early-onset gynecomastia by inhibiting estrogenic activity in the mammary glands (4).

Anavar and Winstrol Stack

This is one of the most effective cutting stacks that a bodybuilder can use to reduce fat. Anavar and Winstrol effects on body composition are comparable, with them both being potent fat burners and muscle-builders. However, we have found Winstrol to be the more powerful compound.

Consequently, the results of Winstrol are generally more pronounced than those of Anavar when taken alone, as evidenced by the feedback and results of our patients. However, we have observed Winstrol trigger more severe adverse effects.

Similar to Anavar, Winstrol does not aromatize; consequently, striations and muscle definition will become more prominent, as well as vascularity. This is a consequence of the depletion of extracellular water retention, which is the fluid that accumulates between the epidermis and muscle.

In general, users will supplement with either Anavar or Winstrol rather than stacking them. Even so, this combination can be used to increase muscle growth and fat reduction.

According to our patient’s results, cycling Anavar alone will be approximately 30% less efficacious than stacking it with Winstrol.

The primary drawback of this stack in our experience is the significant fluctuations in AST (aspartate aminotransferase) and ALT (alanine aminotransferase) liver enzymes, in conjunction with LDL and HDL cholesterol alterations.

The body is subjected to higher levels of toxicity when Anavar is combined with Winstrol, as evidenced by our lipid profile and liver function tests.

Anavar and Winstrol Stack (For Men)

The following stack is not typically utilized by women due to the likelihood of virilization caused by Winstrol.
winstrol anavar cycle
Only intermediate or advanced users typically take the above stack due to Winstrol’s potential deleterious effects. We have observed this duo produce notable fat loss and moderate increases in lean muscle mass, ranging from 10 to 20 pounds.

Anavar and Winstrol Stack (For Women)

winstrol anavar cycle for women

The only instance we have seen women avoid masculinization with this stack is by microdosing Winstrol. The addition of Winstrol in this stack will amplify overall anabolism and lipolysis.

Nevertheless, masculinization is common if a female increases the Winstrol dose or extends this cycle beyond six weeks.

Legal Steroid Alternatives That Work

before after picture

Crazy Bulk is our recommended source for legal steroid alternatives, based on thousands of positive reviews on verified platforms such as Trustpilot and Feefo.

Dr. Thomas O’Connor, head of our medical team, states, “There is evidence that if you could use these (steroid alternatives), they would be much better than using anabolic steroids.”

Crazy Bulk’s formulas are supported by clinical research and are safe for men and women to use.

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Anavar and Clenbuterol Stack

Clenbuterol is a β2-adrenoceptor agonist, not a steroid. However, due to its potent fat-burning effects, bodybuilders commonly supplement with it as a cutting agent, stacking it with Anavar.

The primary concern when combining multiple anabolic steroids is the exacerbation of adverse effects in comparison to the use of a single steroid. Therefore, we commonly observe:

  1. Hypercholesterolemia
  2. Hypertransaminasemia
  3. Hypogonadism
  4. Gynecomastia

Nevertheless, clenbuterol does not induce any of these adverse effects, and as a result, it has been a stacking option for men and women.

Anecdotally, we have observed that clenbuterol does not significantly increase muscle mass; therefore, it is administered predominantly for fat loss.

The main concern we have experienced with clenbuterol is the excessive stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS), which can potentially result in an abnormally rapid heartbeat and cardiac arrhythmias.

Anavar and Clenbuterol Stack (For Men)

clenbuterol anavar cycle for men

Anavar and Clenbuterol Stack (For Women)

clenbuterol anavar cycle for women

Anavar and Trenbolone Stack

Anavar and trenbolone are anabolic steroids that are vastly dissimilar; however, they are occasionally stacked together during cutting cycles.

Novices commonly take Anavar, an oral compound, due to its reduced toxicity compared to other steroids. Whereas trenbolone is a severely toxic injectable mostly administered by advanced steroid users.

In terms of body composition, they share comparable characteristics, including:

  • Building lean muscle
  • Burning fat
  • Diuretic effects

However, trenbolone is an extremely potent compound, and as a result, the anabolism of this stack is considerably stronger than an Anavar-only cycle. Even so, the less deleterious nature of Anavar is diminished by the introduction of trenbolone.

Our tests often indicate impaired HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis) function from trenbolone use. This can cause testosterone deficiency lasting for several months.

Trenbolone also raises LDL cholesterol levels, notably increasing the risk of hypertension.
Due to the potential for trenbolone to trigger virilization, women do not commonly use this stack.
trenbolone anavar cycle

Anavar and Dianabol Stack

anavar dianabol

Dianabol and Anavar stacked together may appear unusual, as Anavar is a cutting steroid with diuretic effects, while Dianabol is a bulking steroid that promotes water retention. Dianabol also increases visceral fat storage, while Anavar decreases it. However, we have observed this unconventional stack to be an effective bulking protocol, as Dianabol increases muscle mass and Anavar simultaneously prevents fat accumulation.

Additionally, Anavar can reduce any edema that Dianabol may cause due to excess extracellular fluid. Thus, Anavar will provide a more aesthetically pleasing bulking experience when stacked with Dianabol, albeit at the cost of further:

  • Cholesterol alterations
  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Testosterone suppression

Anavar and Dianabol are both oral compounds.

It is advisable for users to exercise caution when purchasing Anavar products, as they can be replaced with methandrostenolone (Dianabol), with this being a common scam on the black market due to the high cost of oxandrolone production. In the event that counterfeiters substitute Anavar with Dianabol, there will be no diuretic effects or reductions in visceral fat mass. Instead, it will only exacerbate both.

Dianabol’s high propensity to induce masculinization renders this stack particularly inappropriate for females.

anavar dianabol stack
When implementing the aforementioned cycle, it is important to regularly monitor ALT and AST liver enzymes, as both compounds are C-17 alpha-alkylated. Our tests indicate that orals are more likely to result in hepatic injury.

In order to reduce the effects of gynecomastia, a SERM such as Nolvadex may be utilized on-cycle when the nipples begin to swell.


The five compounds mentioned in this article are the most common Anavar stacks in our experience. Women have fewer options; however, stacking Anavar with Clenbuterol or Winstrol can be advantageous for reduced fat mass. Microdosing is necessary when supplementing with Winstrol to reduce toxicity. Equally, virilization, cholesterol alterations, and liver injury remain possible.

There are a greater variety of options for men when stacking Anavar, with the most common combinations being:

  1. Testosterone
  2. Clenbuterol

Anavar and testosterone stacks promote lean mass, while Anavar and clenbuterol stacks prioritize fat loss. Some of our patients have cycled other anabolic steroids with Anavar, such as trenbolone, Dianabol, or Anadrol. However, we commonly observe unfavorable outcomes from such compounds due to their pernicious effects on the heart and liver.

Co Authors :

doctor o'connor

For TRT inquiries, please contact Dr. O’Connor via the Anabolic Doc app.

Over the last 20 years, Dr. O’Connor has successfully treated thousands of men who have taken anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other PEDs, giving him first-hand experience of their effects. Board-certified MD since 2005.

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  1. Oxandrolone tablets USP. (1995). [Book]. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2006/076897lbl.pdf
  2. Sizar, O., Leslie, S. W., & Pico, J. (2023, November 25). Androgen replacement. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534853/
  3. Havnes, I. A., Jørstad, M. L., Innerdal, I., & Bjørnebekk, A. (2021). Anabolic-androgenic steroid use among women: A qualitative study on experiences of masculinizing, gonadal, and sexual effects. International Journal of Drug Policy, 95, 102876. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2020.102876
  4. Ghadjar, P., Aebersold, D. M., Albrecht, C., Böhmer, D., Flentje, M., Ganswindt, U., Höcht, S., Hölscher, T., Müller, A., Niehoff, P., Pinkawa, M., Sedlmayer, F., Zips, D., & Wiegel, T. (2020). Treatment strategies to prevent and reduce gynecomastia and/or breast pain caused by antiandrogen therapy for prostate cancer. Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie, 196(7), 589–597. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00066-020-01598-9

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